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Categories:  Vegetarian
Contributed by: several board users: Kacie in So.CA, Kelly CA

Yummy, easy treat!

Cut polenta in THIN slices
Place on cookie sheet
sprinkle salt/pepper or Lawry's season salt
spray Pam on cookie sheet and on top of Polenta slices
Broil for 20+ minutes, until Golden Brown and crispy.
Tastes like chips! Delicious.

Trader Joes has plain polenta for pretty cheap.

Henrys is more expensive, but they have flavored ones. I am trying the cilantro and chili on right now!

Any other YUMMY, easy dishes???

Kelly CA has this recipe:

Polenta is cornmeal that is cut in larger grains. You can but it in the grocery store...it comes in a paper bag or in bulk, in some stores.
Most recipes have you cook it on the stove, stirring that whole time.
It is so much easier to do it in the microwave.

Just put 3/4c. polenta and 3 cups of water in a large bowl. Cover bowl with plastic wrap.
Microwave for 8 minutes, stir.
Microwave for 2 or 3 more minutes, stir.
Add salt and pepper to taste and a little olive oil and parmesan cheese.
Pour into Pam coated loaf pan and chill.
You can then cut it in slices and grill it. Yummy!!
I like it topped with sauteed mushrooms, cooked with chopped tomatoes and basil.
Blessed mom to Devon